Pizza, AI, and Algorithms

2 min readDec 3, 2020

I am going to be sharing my thoughts and opinions on the article that I read that was about algorithms. The article was about a band called DADABOTS, and they made a cover to a song called ‘Toxic’. The song was written by Brittany Spears, so DADABOTS decided to make a different version of the song that sounded like Frank Sinatra their version was produced with AI, and it was posted on YouTube. If you are not aware of what YouTube is, or why they decided to take down this creation I’ll explain, YouTube is an app that is used to post or watch videos, and they have copyright policies within the app. This can also be looked at as an algorithm, because it takes down or flags videos with sounds that other artist have made, unless you work the algorithm right. If the cover that you made of the artist is looked as copyright on YouTube, then the artist of the song may look into it. In this case Brittany spears was not happy with them using her song. They both then took legal actions, but when they were in court it was very difficult to decide how to settle this, because this was foreign to the judge and lawyers. There has never been any cases similar to this one, but in the end the DADABOTS won legally, and this was very satisfying to them, and any other creators who have been copyrighted before.

This reminds me of what we have learned in class, because we have learned about algorithms, and to me algorithms are a lot like patterns. They are like patterns, because they are almost always the same thing over and over again. This article is about the YouTube algorithm, and how it affected this specific case. The YouTube algorithm was deciding what was aloud, and what isn’t. Even though the DADABOTS won in the end, they still had to experience an algorithm that is present in YouTube.

I think that the pizza combo maker is an AI, because it is a piece of technology that is making a job easier for humans. It also isn’t living, but it benefits us in a way that humans can. I think that it fits the description of AI well, because it mimics what humans have achieved. It also solves problems, and answers questions that can be done by a human being. I have observed that it is AI.

